City of Manchester, NH Official Web Site

Technology Policies

Computer Usage Policy

All users of public computers are expected to use these resources in a responsible manner, consistent with the educational, informational and recreational purposes for which they are provided.

Responsible, ethical use of these resources includes the following:

  • Using resources for educational, informational and recreational purposes only, not for unauthorized, illegal or unethical purposes.
  • Respecting the privacy of others by not misrepresenting oneself as another user; by not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others; by not seeking unauthorized access to any computer system; or damaging or altering software components of any network or database.
  • Respecting the privacy of others using these resources by not interfering with their use.
  • Making only authorized copies of copyrighted or licensed software or data.
  • Patrons are responsible for damage to library hardware or software due to inappropriate actions or inaction while using the computers. Fees will be assessed and charged to the patron for required repairs or replacement.
  • The library is not responsible for any damage to patron data that is being accessed with library equipment, or for any damage to patron equipment plugged in to library outlets or USB ports, or connected to the library’s public wifi.
  • While our public computers are on a secure network, patrons should exercise caution when sharing sensitive information like credit card or social security numbers.  The library is not responsible for any theft of personal information or monetary loss that results from the use of our public computers.  The library discourages patrons from sharing any personal data at all when using our public wifi, because this network is not secure.

  • Children below the age of 8 must be accompanied by an adult or guardian when using Children’s computers.
  • There is a fee for printing.
  • Patrons may not turn off computers.
  • Electrical outlets for patron laptops are available at designated places throughout the building. Patrons must ensure that their use of these outlets does not pose a tripping hazard.
  • Patrons may charge, via USB, personal devices like cell phones, mp3 players and tablets at public Internet stations, provided they a) are logged in to the computer, and b) attend to their device. Patrons looking for an electrical outlet must use the outlets set aside for laptops (see above).

Misuse or abuse of library resources may result in suspension of library privileges.

Internet Policy

  1. Purpose of this Policy
    To fulfill its mission of providing public access to information of all types in a wide range of formats, the Manchester City Library provides access to Internet resources via library equipment and free Wi-Fi access. This policy provides rules for Internet use at all Manchester City Library locations.
  2. Who May Use the Internet?
    All patrons, including non-Manchester residents, are allowed to use the Internet workstation.
    1. Patrons with a library card or PC Access card may use their card to log in to our computers. To apply for a PC Access card, a patron need only supply a photo I.D. with their photo. It doesn't matter whether or not the I.D. is current or expired.
    2. Patrons without a photo I.D., or who are unable to or choose not to apply for either a library or PC card, will be issued a guest pass.
  3. Use of the Internet
    1. Maximum use per person is 75 minutes per day on library provided PCs. Access to Wi-Fi is unrestricted via patron's own laptop, and requires no library card, guest pass or photo I.D. to use.
    2. The Librarian reserves the right to end a patron’s Internet session at any time, for reasons such as policy enforcement or computer repairs.
    3. No more than two people may work at a Library Internet station at any one time.
    4. Internet workstations are for viewing and printing information from the Internet. Downloading is also allowed as permitted by Copyright Law.
    5. Viewing and printing access is provided for educational and research purposes. Other uses may be in violation of Federal and State laws and the user will be held accountable for his/her actions. Wireless printing is available at the main library.
    6. Internet users will be charged per page for printing.
    7. Library staff cannot provide in-depth training concerning Internet or personal computer use. We may, however, be able to offer searching suggestions and answer general questions. Patrons can register for scheduled computer training classes or one-on-one sessions.
    8. Children's Room Internet stations are for children's use only.
    9. Teen Room Internet stations are for teen use only.
    10. The library reserves the right to ask users to refrain from displaying computer images which are inappropriate for public viewing.
    11. The Internet offers unlimited global access to information. The Manchester City library is unable to monitor or control the content of material through this medium. Parents/guardians of children under 18 are responsible for their children’s use of the Internet. All Internet users should question the validity of information originating from the Internet, as they should with any information source, because not all the information is accurate, authoritative, or timely.
  4. Failure to Abide by This Policy
    1. Abuse of Internet services can result in loss of library privileges.
    2. Willful and malicious damage to equipment will result in suspension of library services and/or prosecution of criminal charges [RSA 202-A:24].
Manchester City Library

405 Pine St
Manchester, NH 03104
(603) 624-6550

West Manchester Branch Library

76 North Main St
Manchester, NH 03102
(603) 624-6560

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